Monday, August 1, 2011

Goodbye Size 10

Hello size 8! I have lost another pound, which makes the grand total of my weight loss 9 pounds. 5 weeks ago when I put my foot down and decided that I was going to finally lose 20 pounds I did a little research. How many pounds do you really need to lose before you drop a dress size?
I don't know why a woman's size is still measured by dresses, but I do know that the information seems to be pretty accurate. If you are currently wearing a size 12 or under, you need to lose 8 to 10 pounds to go down a notch. If you are a size 14 or up you would typically need to lose about 25 pounds. That seems pretty unfair to me, but part of the reason is because starting at 14 there is a 2 inch difference between sizes, as opposed to a 1 inch differential in sizes 12 and under.
So, now that I've lost enough weight I can actually comfortably wear most of my wardrobe! I just have to laugh at myself for buying those jeans that really didn't fit me in the hopes that it would encourage me to lose weight. Has anyone else ever done that? Bad idea!
The last time I weighed the same as I do now was in August of 2004. It was almost a year after I had Colin and Liam and I was very determined to lose weight. I was also in the wedding of a dear friend which was fantastic motivation! Notice the picture, I'm the third one from the front.
I'd encourage you all to come up with a timeline, or an "event motivator" to spark your weight loss or keep it going. My next motivator is starting back at work full time. In 3 weeks I rejoin the work force and I would love to lose 2 more pounds for my first day. What big events or milestones do you have coming up that will encourage you to get serious about shedding your unwanted pounds? A pound here, a pound there, and before you know it you're down a dress size!

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