Friday, July 29, 2011

Lose 8 Pounds in One Month

You can google this topic and immediately dozens of links will appear. Some of the results are dieting gimmicks or advertisements for the latest "supplement" you can buy to increase your metabolism and burn fat. Often, the solutions to losing your excess weight include a very restricted calorie intake and NO room for fat, or real life in my opinion.
For those of you who live in the real world with me, I would like to happily report that in one month I have lost exactly 8 pounds! If you've been following this blog for any amount of time you probably know that my strategy includes cutting my calories, exercising, eating healthy food, and leaving room for carbs and even an occasional treat. Well, so far so good. The best part is that when I have reached my goal and am done losing weight I can just maintain by doing the exact same thing...but with more calories. That sounds so good!
My total weight loss goal is 24 pounds, which means I am 1/3 of the way there. I still have 2 or 3 months of hard work ahead of me. But the nice thing about losing weight is that it is a process that can be measured in more than just pounds. Last night when I was getting my PJ's on my husband walked in and screamed you look so thin! Very good! In about another pound I will be down a size. Even better! I am also very close to hitting a new tens place on the scale - it's too bad my first ones place number was a 9. These are all little accomplishments that make me want to keep working hard.
And you all make me want to keep working hard too. There is not much better in my life than to encourage someone to reach the potential that they were created for. That is why I love to record my progress and share it with you. In the hopes that you will get inspired, encouraged, and reach your goals. When you are feeling good about yourself and walk in confidence, the sky's the limit. If you want to you can lose 8 pounds in one month too!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Taking Off the Baby Weight

I decided I would encourage some of my friends who are about to have or who have just had babies, in honor of Jude's 3rd birthday. I have been amazed how quickly the transition back to my pre-pregnancy size can take place, and I have been discouraged with how tedious and unreachable this challenge may seem.
Here's the story:
Surprise! It's twins: with Colin and Liam I only gained 23 pounds. I started at a higher weight and had them 8 weeks early. After they were born I lost 33 pounds from my highest weight. It took me about 10 months and I attribute it all to smarter eating and lots of walking thanks to the double stroller.
When I was pregnant with Ethan I gained 40 pounds...yikes! I ate terribly during this pregnancy and I ate everything. I remember near the end of it I was so excited to start losing weight! I lost all 40 pounds in about a year. That was also thanks to walking. I had the coolest triple stroller ever invented and I thank Mountain Buggy for my sanity!
The last time around with Jude I gained 37 pounds. I started out a few pounds heavier, and the big guy decided to stay inside 3 extra, L-O-N-G days. Three must be his favorite number because that it also how many years, yes I said years, it has taken me to lose all the weight I put on with him. Again, I attribute the loss to exercise and eating well.
I must say that life after Jude was born has definitely been the most stressful and included lots of big changes, like selling a house and moving 1/2 way across the country, having surgery on my legs, completely leaving our family and many friends behind, adjusting to a new culture and climate, and starting a new church from scratch. Did I mention I have 4 young kids? Although it has been the hardest time of my life it's been one of the most learning and growing seasons I've been in. I'm pretty sure the next year is going to be one of the best and most exciting times in a while...I can feel it!
We all have things going on, stresses in our lives that rob us of reaching our goals. Don't let discouragement win, because if you are determined enough to lose weight YOU WILL DO IT!
It might take longer than you thought. That's okay. No two people are alike. Just because your friend loses all their baby weight in 3 months doesn't mean you will. That's okay. You might even gain a few pounds back. That's okay...just start over again!
My motto is, happy mom = happy kids. You need to take the time to enjoy your life, even if it comes in 1 hour chunks. You need to allot resources to enable you to exercise and eat right. I am happiest when I feel like I've accomplished something and when I feel confident, and my family reaps the rewards of that.
It's been a great 3 years little Jude, and I love you more than ever.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Calorie Cycling

You may not be into hopping on a stationary bike, but you might be all about this kind of cycle!
If you are trying to lose weight you have probably noticed that at some point your body seems to stop responding to the fact that you are eating less calories. You stop seeing results quickly and it seems that you just can't lose a pound. At this point you've hit the proverbial plateau.
I'm trying to avoid hitting this plateau, and so far so good. I've armed myself with some tricks to keep my metabolism going strong. The first rule: don't eat too little calories in a day; the second rule: eat negative calorie foods every day; the third rule: zig zag my calories by calorie cycling.
it's not a new concept, just a catchy name. Calorie cycling simply provides same amount of calories per week, but "tricks" your body by constantly changing daily calories. This helps to prevent or break plateaus. Now, let me tell you that I haven't been sticking to these cycles as a guide for my daily calorie consumption. I've just been using this idea as a base for my eating. I try to vary my calorie intake every few days and include 1 big calorie consumption day every week. My cheat day.
Everyone is different though, so I thought this information might be just the trick someone else needs to get their weight loss moving in the right direction again. Below is the information that is specific for my weight, height, age, and gender. After you're done reading this, click on "7 day calorie cycle (zig-zag)" and the link will take you right to the page where you can find out your own suggested results!

2005 Calories/day
Fat Loss:
1604 Calories/day
Extreme Fat Loss:
1296 Calories/day

7 day calorie cycle (zig-zag)

Ex Fat Loss Fat Loss Maintain
Monday 1296 1604 2005
Tuesday 1296 1296 1604
Wednesday 1556 1925 2406
Thursday 1296 1604 2005
Friday 1296 1444 1805
Saturday 1426 1765 2206
Sunday 1296 1604 2005

Friday, July 22, 2011

My Favorite Jeans

I mentioned earlier that I thought this was going to be my hump week. I was right. It's been a challenge to stay on track with my goal to lose that extra 20 pounds I've been carrying around. Actually I changed my goal to 24 pounds.
I've been working hard at cutting my calories by 300-500 a day, and I've been walking and running about 20 miles a week. I'd be a fool to not be pleased with my progress. After all, I've lost 7 pounds in 25 days! I'm just a little bored with the monotony of it all.
I do have a new milestone to report: I fit into my favorite jeans (see Sacrifice Vs. Maintainence, June 30th). I bought these jeans almost 5 years ago. I got pregnant a year after that and it's hard to believe that since then I have been unable to wear these. It's amazing to me how comfortable I was, weighing too much for so many years. I wasn't comfortable as in I loved how I felt and looked. I was comfortable in the fact that I didn't want to put the effort into changing things.
We live in a society where immediate gratification and high speed everything is so common. We praise the situations that we can contribute as little effort as possible. I think that's why this week has needed some extra internal motivation. Although I prefer the speedy results of the hare, I know the tortoise is the victor. Slow and steady wins the race!
I have been bolstered by the reports of others being inspired to lose weight because of me sharing what I'm going through. I have genuinely smiled each time I see a that someone has lost pounds, or those who simply decided that it's time for them to make a change too. That has been a major influence in my determination this week. So, here's a huge THANK YOU!
Let us keep up the good, and sometimes tedious work, and continue toward our goals. Just over 3 weeks ago I couldn't fit into these jeans. I'm hoping that in another month or so I'll have to give up my favorite jeans for good.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Crazy Food Dreams

Let me tell you about last night. First of all, this wouldn't have even been an issue if yesterday was my cheat day. However, my weekly splurge has been reserved for Saturday since we are celebrating Jude's 3rd birthday then.
I will set the stage. We were taking a lovely friend to dinner before she moves away. I said, "you pick the place." She picked Buffalo Wild Wings. I was thrilled with this choice as my kids have been to this restaurant and they love it because of the Pac-Man, claw, and elk hunting arcade games. This makes my night easier already! Then I started researching the nutrition information and reality hit me hard. This is going to be a challenge.
I opted for the Honey BBQ Chicken Salad. Left out the cheese and dressing. Basically I was eating lettuce, pico, and grilled chicken with BBQ sauce on it. My guess is my modified salad came in somewhere around 450-500 calories. It was good, but it didn't fill me up physically or mentally. We chased down Wild Wings with a trip to Braum's - a glorious regional ice cream and burger joint. Ice cream never looked so good to me, and as everyone was enjoying it all I could think about was my morning cup of coffee. Fast forward time, please!
Obviously, I felt left out and unsatisfied. I even had a dream that I ate a humongous ice cream cone and 2, yes 2 full size apple pies. Waking up this morning I'm not very hungry, hmmmmm?
It is amazing to me how much we think about food. How important it is to us, not just physically, but especially socially. Thoughts about food even control our subconscious! And, I think food is supposed to be that important. Food is a gateway to friendship, to recreation, to special family memories. The problem is that a lot of times we let food become more important than people. The main "people" often times is ourselves.
Next time you are in a situation where food is the catalyst for friendship or family time, whether it's a birthday party, family picnic, or work lunch, remember that the food comes secondary to the people. The relationships, memories, and fun you are creating matter way more than what you are eating.
That's what got me through last night. I stuck to my commitment because I was determined to make the night about my friend and not the food I was eating, or not eating. Remember too, that losing weight is just temporary if you do it right. At some point in the near future I will be able to enjoy that ice cream cone because I'll just be maintaining my weight. Until then I'll stick to my midnight fling with all sorts of luscious treats ...even if only in my dreams.

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Dreaded Bloat

Here's the scenario: You're doing fantastic watching what you eat, and exercising. You've even dropped a few pounds over the last 3 weeks. All of the sudden, out of gain a couple back. How can this make sense? Is it really worth all of this hard work for your scale to jump up for absolutely no reason? Looks like a setback.
Then you realize there is a reason...oh,'s that time again. Ladies, you know what I'm talking about! And guys, don't stop reading. Take notes, because you can be very helpful and encouraging for a friend or significant other during a time like this.
I kind of forgot about this issue, to be honest. You see, I don't feel bloated. I've just noticed that in the last 2 days I've put on 2 of the pounds I got rid of. After taking a look at my calendar I now realize why. So, I did some research, and here's what I discovered: I'm not alone, and neither are you!
The average weight gain a woman experiences before and during her period is from 5-7 pounds! Wow! There are even extreme cases where gaining 10-15 pounds is not uncommon. There are several physiological theories for water retention that I won't bore you with. The bottom line: for almost a week out of the month you will be heavier than you expect.
There is good news though! A light at the end of the tunnel! A reason for not giving up and stuffing your face to relieve your anguish! You will lose that water retention weight by the end of your period. And, if you do really well with your eating and exercising during this week, you should even lose a little extra!
I just told Jason last night that I think this is my hump week. If I can make it through this week staying positive and continuing in the habits of drinking lots of water, watching my calories, and exercising, I'll make it the whole way. Now that I'm armed with the knowledge that I'm completely normal and there is a reason for the increase in the scale, I'm okay. It's not a setback after all.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Your High School Weight

This photograph was taken almost 17 years ago. This is my senior picture that was taken on August 4, 1994 - holy BIG hair! If you were born sometime in the 1970's, chances are pretty good that you have a few pictures like this too. Don't ask why I remember what day it was. I just remember weird information about the past. Something I also remember about this day is how much I weighed.
I was all set on celebrating the loss of another pound in a day or two by talking about how I reached the weight from this landmark day. However, I ran into a problem. You see, when I weighed myself this morning...I skipped right over that number...yeah, way to mess up my plans. I didn't believe it, so I weighed myself about 10 times. Did I really lose 1.5 pounds? Yes sir, I believe I did.
Now, before you get all envious about me being at my high school weight let me explain something. I've been pretty much the same size my entire adult life. I was never one of those skinny minnie high school girls. In fact, the last time I saw size 1,3, or even 5 was before I hit puberty and "developed". Sorry if I'm bringing back some painful memories!
I think the reason we remember things like how much we weighed, or how it felt to be thin, isn't so we can get depressed or think that the best years are behind us. It's so we can have some motivation and something to drive us to becoming even better. Now, my body doesn't look exactly the same as it did in high school. I can thank my kids for that! But, I do feel thinner and healthier than I did 18 days ago when I became quite serious about losing that extra 20 pounds.
I must be doing something right because I have lost 6.5 pounds in under 3 weeks just by eating a responsible amount of healthy food and gimmicks. I hope that this can be the inspiration someone needs to get started at losing weight, or to continue in your efforts. And when you hit a landmark weight, celebrate with others, and keep your next milestones in mind.
I have 3 more in my pocket, and some great pictures to go with them!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Negative Calorie Foods

Did you know there are foods that burn more calories than they contain? Your body has to work harder to convert these foods into energy and this gives them an excellent fat-burning advantage over many other types of food you normally eat.
You might be surprised to learn that this list consists of more than just celery and grapefruit. It includes several things you are probably already eating. If not, just add a few into your food portfolio every day to speed your weight loss along! Ladies and gentlemen, may I present...your negative calorie foods:

Fruit: apples, apricots, berries, grapes, grapefruits, kiwi, oranges, strawberries, tangerines, and watermelon. (love all of these =bonus!)

Vegetables: asparagus, beets, broccoli, cabbage, celery, carrots, cauliflower, cucumbers, hot chili peppers, lettuce, spinach, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, yam, beans, and zucchini. (Shredded red cabbage has been one of my new favorites to add to salads and wraps!)

Protein: salmon, almonds, lentils, turkey, chicken, tuna, and sirloin. (all lean and without skin)

Whole grains: oats, barley, and brown rice. (high fiber burns more calories)

Don't forget to enjoy some skim milk, green tea (I like to brew mine and then ice it), and water!

Make sure negative calorie foods aren't the only foods you're eating. Your body also needs calories that it can process slowly. So, eat a slice of watermelon and chase it down with a cup of ice cream! You need to treat yourself or you will go crazy, right?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

You Might Need New Sneakers If...

Let me share some feelings I have toward new sneakers: I love how you feel taller when you get a new pair because you haven't squished down the inside yet; they look so sharp, and I feel like a little kid expecting everyone to notice and comment on my new kicks; new sneaker smell makes me smile, period.
I think that sneakers are the most important part of your workout wardrobe. They really determine whether or not you are going to hit the gym or get outside. You don't have to spend a lot of money on them, but you do need to make sure you like the way they look and that they fit your foot right. I think that if you like your running shoes, and they feel comfortable, then you are much more likely to exercise. Just sayin'.
I logged 247 miles with my last sneakers (I use tally marks on my calendar to keep track) before the air pocket popped. It seemed a little premature to me, so I researched how often you should get new pair. Here are some suggestions:
  • You should get new sneakers every 250-500 miles depending on your weight, the running surface, and your weekly mileage. For instance, someone who runs or walks 20 plus miles a week will need to replace them about every 3 -4 months (now it makes sense that mine wore out).
  • If your lower back, ankles, feet, shins, or heels hurt, or if you have blisters that just won't go away, it's probably time to go shopping (sometimes simply purchasing new athletic socks will fix the blister issue).
  • Don't just look at the outside of your shoes for wear, the inside of your shoe usually breaks down first. If you can twist your shoe your mid soles are worn and it's time for a new pair.
I think a lot of times the upfront cost of a new pair of sneakers can delay their purchase. We have a very tight budget, so I get it. But, this is one of those purchases that you need to find the money for! After all, we're not just talking about style. We're talking about healthy living. Speaking of, I'm down another pound...that makes 5 pounds total!

Monday, July 11, 2011


It's too late...
My sneakers broke...
We have friends over...
I have blisters on my feet...
It's too hot (yes, 106 is too hot)...
I only got 4 hours of sleep last night...
These are all excuses I tried using last night as to why I shouldn't exercise. I was having conversations with myself all afternoon and evening. I could have skipped out and I had plenty of decent reasons. But, if I'm going to do this thing, then I'm going to do it!
I ended up starting my routine at 8:45pm and didn't finish until after 9:30. My neighbors watering their lawns must have been laughing at me as I ran and walked the same 1/4 mile stretch of my was so dark out that I didn't want to risk being too far from home.
I've been around the block with exercising and losing a few pounds to know that if you allow excuses to work a little, they will end up working a lot! Of course, there are times when you really do have a reason for missing out on your routine. I think it's a great idea to take a day off every now and then to give your body an extra rest. But, before you decide to take a pass ask yourself if it's an excuse or a valid reason.
I felt so energized and satisfied after I finished my workout last night. I slept really good too! I feel pretty optimistic about today and I am determined to try really hard to knock the scale down another notch. The best part about today: I get to buy new sneakers!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Budgeting for Weight Loss

I've often said, "anybody can do anything for a little while." Usually it's in terms of having a second job, or cutting out unnecessary expenses so you can save a chunk of money or pay off debt. It's almost always in reference to finances. I started thinking about this yesterday in the midst of my stuck-ness.
So, how long do I really need to do this? How long to I need to stick to cutting my calories? I thought that if I was asking myself this question for a money issue, I would certainly come up with a budget or a that's exactly what I did!
I calculated that I would be collecting 700 calories a day, between cutting them out of my diet and burning them through exercise. A pound of body fat equates to approximately 3,500 calories. Divide that by my 700 calories, and it means I should be losing a pound just about every 5 days. I estimate I'll be needing to stick to this for a total of 100 days.
It seems like a lot until I think about how many more days I plan on being alive after that, which is like 80 million. If I can stick to this hard-core for about 3 months I can just work on maintaining my weight indefinitely. I can do that!
You've heard the phrase, "numbers don't lie." So, let's come up with some numbers. First, you need to figure out how many calories you should be shooting for to lose weight. I like the daily calorie counter on because it includes your height, sex, activity level, and age into the formula. Your results will tell you how many calories you should be eating to maintain your current weight. Figure out how many calories your cutting and how much you're exercising (just google for calorie estimates for specific exercises), and you come up with your daily number. Divide 3,500 by your daily number and that's how many days you should lose a pound in. Multiply that number by how many pounds you want to lose and you have just figured out how many days you need to stick to this to get to your goal.
The great thing about losing weight is that you get to see results. It may come slow at times, but changes...good changes are still happening. I finally got un-stuck this morning and am celebrating that another 1/2 pound has vanished! That's 4 pounds gone and never coming back. I want to hear your celebrations too!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I've finally reached the stuck point. I knew going into this that the first week of change in diet causes the body to shed some pounds quickly. I said goodbye to 2.5 of them last week and that's great. I haven't seen the scale move since. Now pair this with the fact that I am an emotional eater and it will explain why yesterday was such a battle. Ever been here before?
It was the perfect storm of a battle of wills, and screaming, and cleaning up pee, and whining, and hitting, and a less than desired grocery shopping experience. I had enough and my first instinct was to slam down the rest of that darn pie from July 4th. Why would I want to eat something "bad" for me and why it would make me feel so good? Did I mention we were having friends over for dinner and Jason was bringing home ooey, gooey, greasy pizza too?
I just wanted to give up because it seems like all this hard work is for nothing. It's so much easier to eat what everyone else is having, to not plan what you're going to eat, to not count calories. Eating greasy pizza and pie tastes so good too...
But, it doesn't taste as good as being thinner feels. Even though the scale hasn't moved in days I can feel a difference in my body. It's a little more sculpted.
Then I thought about a pound of butter, how big that is. It's a block of lard that is about 5 inches long and 2 1/2 inches wide. It's a pound of fat! That is what helped me get through yesterday. The fact that it's not just about the numbers, but about taking that fat off my body. It's a slow process that is measured by more than what you weigh.
I was really hoping that since I made it through yesterday I would be rewarded by seeing another pound gone today...not so. But, I know it will happen soon. Keep trying, and working with me, and remember that the taste of your favorite guilty pleasure is momentary, but healthy eating can feel good for the rest of your life!
Who knew butter would be such an important part of losing weight?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I Wish I Had a Personal Chef

I love eating salads. I hate making salads. If you do it right, salads can be a great addition to your food portfolio. It's really like a smorgasbord on a plate. I have, for the most part, been sticking to eating a salad a day for the last two weeks.
The tricky part is making sure that everything you are including in your salad is beneficial - watch out for high calorie dressings, cheese, and fried toppings. Even when you are eating a salad, calories are still very important.
Since I don't employ my own food preparer (shucks), I have come up with a few of my own recipes. Here is my favorite: I call it the Green and Potato Salad. This salad is high in potassium, calcium, and protein. It's a Big Salad (Seinfeld fans please chuckle with me) that will keep you full for a few hours and has approximately 400 calories and 10 grams of fiber!

2 Cups lettuce, I like Taylor Organic Baby Romaine
1/2 Cup quartered cucumber
1 small baked potato, diced (I bake ahead and refrigerate for quick fixes)
1/4 Cup sliced yellow bell pepper
5 green olives, halved
1/2 medium avocado, sliced
1 Tablespoon crumbled Gorgonzola cheese
1 Tablespoon dressing, I like Newman's Own Family Recipe Italian
Spices, I like to add dill, and a grinder with mustard seed, pepper, and garlic

The great thing about salads is that they are so versatile. You can make them fresh for dinner, ahead of time for work, or get them on the go. Let me challenge you to make a salad part of your plan today! Let's raise our forks and's to healthier lives!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Back on Track

I wonder how many people in America are greeting the day with the phrase, "today I'm getting back on track." I'm one of them. I had a great day being lazy, relaxing in the pool, and spending time with family. I also very intentionally cheated on my "diet."
Now, I am faced with one of two choices: eat the leftover apple pie that is sitting on my counter, or strategically plan how I will spend my calories. When you come off of a day where you don't think about what you're eating or how much you are eating, it's easy to just want to give up. It's almost like we feel it necessary to punish ourselves for our bad behavior. A lot of times we think our payment for the crime is keeping on our extra weight. We think we deserve to be fat.
Honestly, I didn't even enjoy that apple pie so much because I knew I was setting myself back a day or two in my weight loss. Since I have been working so hard at keeping track of my calories and exercising it has become sort of enjoyable to me. Dare I say, I think it's becoming my mode of operation (keeping my fingers crossed).
Starting or re-starting your weight loss journey is not so much a matter of discipline or drive, but of self worth. You don't deserve to be fat, or depressed, or tired all the time. You were made to be strong, to encourage others, to be a conqueror! Remember that today is a new day. Ready...set...go!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Today I'm Cheating

Today would have been my grandfather, Walter Grace's, 87th birthday. It is also of note that today we celebrate our independence as a country, which I am so grateful for. As a kid, next to Christmas, this was my favorite day of the year. You see, my family would honor both great American achievements by having a huge family reunion. There was every kind of picnic food imaginable, soda pop galore, fireworks, baseball, swimming at the creek...did I mention the food?
I have a lot of memories and mental pictures of these days, but there are 2 that stick out the most. The first is my Poppi drowning his birthday cake with beer to put out the plethora of trick candles. The second is more of a consciousness about my relationship with food. I remember deciding one year that I was going to let my pleasure of eating this yummy food take precedent over my being responsible about what I was eating. I was only a kid, but when I was eating to the point where my stomach ached so I drank soda pop to burp to relieve the pressure...even 7 year old me could recognize that as irresponsible!
Well, today I am going to be responsible. Long gone are the days of the 4th of July reunions, but I still use the excuse of a national holiday to go willy nilly. Don't get me wrong. I'm definitely going to enjoy some treats like burgers and apple pie. But, I'm planning on cheating.
I've worked really hard over the last 8 days. I lost 2.5 pounds last week! I still have 16.5 pounds to go to reach my goal, and I know that rewarding myself once in a while is a good way to get there.
Be very specific as to when and how you are going to treat yourself, and stick to it! When you plan to cheat it's not really cheating, is it?

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Whole Wheat Waffles

2 Cups Whole Wheat Flour
3 Teaspoons Baking Powder
1 Tablespoon Wheat Germ
2 Teaspoons Cinnamon
1 Tablespoon Sugar
3 Eggs
3 Tablespoons Olive Oil
2 Cups Skim Milk

Use 1/2 Cup of mixed batter to make 1 waffle. Each one has about 152 calories, 2.5 grams of fiber, and 5.5 grams of fat. Makes 10 waffles.

Some of my favorite toppings are unsweetened applesauce, yogurt, peanut butter, fresh fruit, and honey. They are perfect for breakfast or brinner, and you can even toast the leftovers up for an afternoon snack!
Don't let the numbers fool you: although the waffles have a relatively high fat content compared to some other breakfast options, remember that it is good and essential fat from eggs and olive oil.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed

I walked/ran 90 miles in the month of June. At the beginning of this week I was thinking I might be able to hit 100 miles if I worked really hard. But, I am quite happy to not have busted my butt, and here's why:
Wednesday night I had the chance to go out on a date with Jason. Sure, our date consisted of grabbing a quick bite to eat and then shopping for groceries. But, we didn't have any kids and we took our was fun just to be together. I thought several times about rushing so we could get back for me to exercise, but a couple hours together was great way for me to say thank you without saying anything at all.You see, with the summer heat on, 8 pm has been my prime walking time. And every night Jason graciously dismisses me for my routine. Sometimes I come home and he's passed out on the floor with 4 little boys sitting right on top of him watching part of the Rocky saga. I know he'd rather be winding down, but instead he's actively being a great supporter of my quest for health.
I encourage you to find people who you can lean on for support...just like Rocky and Apollo (P.S. - Rocky III is such a good flick!). Whether it's an exercise partner, a small group to encourage you, or someone you can count your calories with, we all need people...and they need us. They need us to remember that their life is not all about us losing that extra weight.We need to be their friend, encourager, and supporter in whatever they're tackling in life.
July has 31 days. Maybe I'll hit my 100 miles this month?