Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Taking Off the Baby Weight

I decided I would encourage some of my friends who are about to have or who have just had babies, in honor of Jude's 3rd birthday. I have been amazed how quickly the transition back to my pre-pregnancy size can take place, and I have been discouraged with how tedious and unreachable this challenge may seem.
Here's the story:
Surprise! It's twins: with Colin and Liam I only gained 23 pounds. I started at a higher weight and had them 8 weeks early. After they were born I lost 33 pounds from my highest weight. It took me about 10 months and I attribute it all to smarter eating and lots of walking thanks to the double stroller.
When I was pregnant with Ethan I gained 40 pounds...yikes! I ate terribly during this pregnancy and I ate everything. I remember near the end of it I was so excited to start losing weight! I lost all 40 pounds in about a year. That was also thanks to walking. I had the coolest triple stroller ever invented and I thank Mountain Buggy for my sanity!
The last time around with Jude I gained 37 pounds. I started out a few pounds heavier, and the big guy decided to stay inside 3 extra, L-O-N-G days. Three must be his favorite number because that it also how many years, yes I said years, it has taken me to lose all the weight I put on with him. Again, I attribute the loss to exercise and eating well.
I must say that life after Jude was born has definitely been the most stressful and included lots of big changes, like selling a house and moving 1/2 way across the country, having surgery on my legs, completely leaving our family and many friends behind, adjusting to a new culture and climate, and starting a new church from scratch. Did I mention I have 4 young kids? Although it has been the hardest time of my life it's been one of the most learning and growing seasons I've been in. I'm pretty sure the next year is going to be one of the best and most exciting times in a while...I can feel it!
We all have things going on, stresses in our lives that rob us of reaching our goals. Don't let discouragement win, because if you are determined enough to lose weight YOU WILL DO IT!
It might take longer than you thought. That's okay. No two people are alike. Just because your friend loses all their baby weight in 3 months doesn't mean you will. That's okay. You might even gain a few pounds back. That's okay...just start over again!
My motto is, happy mom = happy kids. You need to take the time to enjoy your life, even if it comes in 1 hour chunks. You need to allot resources to enable you to exercise and eat right. I am happiest when I feel like I've accomplished something and when I feel confident, and my family reaps the rewards of that.
It's been a great 3 years little Jude, and I love you more than ever.

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