Monday, July 25, 2011

Calorie Cycling

You may not be into hopping on a stationary bike, but you might be all about this kind of cycle!
If you are trying to lose weight you have probably noticed that at some point your body seems to stop responding to the fact that you are eating less calories. You stop seeing results quickly and it seems that you just can't lose a pound. At this point you've hit the proverbial plateau.
I'm trying to avoid hitting this plateau, and so far so good. I've armed myself with some tricks to keep my metabolism going strong. The first rule: don't eat too little calories in a day; the second rule: eat negative calorie foods every day; the third rule: zig zag my calories by calorie cycling.
it's not a new concept, just a catchy name. Calorie cycling simply provides same amount of calories per week, but "tricks" your body by constantly changing daily calories. This helps to prevent or break plateaus. Now, let me tell you that I haven't been sticking to these cycles as a guide for my daily calorie consumption. I've just been using this idea as a base for my eating. I try to vary my calorie intake every few days and include 1 big calorie consumption day every week. My cheat day.
Everyone is different though, so I thought this information might be just the trick someone else needs to get their weight loss moving in the right direction again. Below is the information that is specific for my weight, height, age, and gender. After you're done reading this, click on "7 day calorie cycle (zig-zag)" and the link will take you right to the page where you can find out your own suggested results!

2005 Calories/day
Fat Loss:
1604 Calories/day
Extreme Fat Loss:
1296 Calories/day

7 day calorie cycle (zig-zag)

Ex Fat Loss Fat Loss Maintain
Monday 1296 1604 2005
Tuesday 1296 1296 1604
Wednesday 1556 1925 2406
Thursday 1296 1604 2005
Friday 1296 1444 1805
Saturday 1426 1765 2206
Sunday 1296 1604 2005

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