Thursday, July 7, 2011


I've finally reached the stuck point. I knew going into this that the first week of change in diet causes the body to shed some pounds quickly. I said goodbye to 2.5 of them last week and that's great. I haven't seen the scale move since. Now pair this with the fact that I am an emotional eater and it will explain why yesterday was such a battle. Ever been here before?
It was the perfect storm of a battle of wills, and screaming, and cleaning up pee, and whining, and hitting, and a less than desired grocery shopping experience. I had enough and my first instinct was to slam down the rest of that darn pie from July 4th. Why would I want to eat something "bad" for me and why it would make me feel so good? Did I mention we were having friends over for dinner and Jason was bringing home ooey, gooey, greasy pizza too?
I just wanted to give up because it seems like all this hard work is for nothing. It's so much easier to eat what everyone else is having, to not plan what you're going to eat, to not count calories. Eating greasy pizza and pie tastes so good too...
But, it doesn't taste as good as being thinner feels. Even though the scale hasn't moved in days I can feel a difference in my body. It's a little more sculpted.
Then I thought about a pound of butter, how big that is. It's a block of lard that is about 5 inches long and 2 1/2 inches wide. It's a pound of fat! That is what helped me get through yesterday. The fact that it's not just about the numbers, but about taking that fat off my body. It's a slow process that is measured by more than what you weigh.
I was really hoping that since I made it through yesterday I would be rewarded by seeing another pound gone today...not so. But, I know it will happen soon. Keep trying, and working with me, and remember that the taste of your favorite guilty pleasure is momentary, but healthy eating can feel good for the rest of your life!
Who knew butter would be such an important part of losing weight?

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